Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Menopur & Bravelle

I did my first shot of phase III last night. I'm really glad Kathleen was here to sit with me & hold my hand & give me Jelly Bellies. That shot really stunk. It hurt like mad. It stung. It was stressful making sure that I had the correct dosages & measurements. It was odd. I didn't like it. I know it's for a good cause. I know that I have to do it again. I really don't want to. But I guess file it under "whatever" and "fine, I'll try again." But I really don't want to.

I guess I have to say Go Team Beaker. But no one else has to take shots to cheer for Team Beaker. So, everyone else say Go Team Beaker. I'll just sit here and quietly wish that this was over already. 

And that's the honest truth about Menopur & Bravelle shots. I'm glad Kathleen was here to feed me Jelly Bellies. 

1 comment:

  1. I say go Go Adele and Team Beaker, cause really....you are doing something hard on yourself for the betterment of another....and that makes you pretty special!

    God Bless you! Love you! Talk soon! If you need to call and talk it out...I'm here!
