Thursday, May 21, 2009

Informative Statements

The Retrieval is set for Sunday. I'll get an appointment time tomorrow when I go in for my sixth ultrasound in two weeks. I'll also get a target drawn on my hip for the HCG shot that Brett has to give me. Perhaps Brett will write you, Dear, to tell you how the HCG shot went. 

For the retrieval I'll go in an hour before the actual procedure. I'll talk with the anesthesiologist & get prepped. Then in the procedure, they will put me into twilight & remove as many eggs as I have produced. That means that even though I have 19 follicles in there, I may not produce 19 eggs. That's why they're waiting another day - the bigger the follicles are, the more likely they will spew an egg. The more big ones we have, the more eggs there will be (theoretically). Brett will be there to do his part also and then bring me home.

We're getting ahead of ourselves. This is wackadoo zoo, man! Wackadoo Zoo!

Go Team Beaker! 


  1. I have a good feeling about Sunday. It is a long weekend, bright, sunny, seems like a great day for egg retrieval!

    I wish you the best of luck with your hard decisions. 2 months isn't that very long in the scheme of things, but I know that it must feel like an eternity. Personally, I'm a terribly impatient waiter, and I know you would feel better if someone can guarantee you an outcome. I have faith that this will all work out for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and make sure that Chris says some extra prayers for you at church on Sunday.

    I thought my initial response to your post was more facebook appropriate, so I moved it there.

  2. We're pulling for you guys! Sending only good thoughts your way!!
    much love!
