Monday, June 1, 2009

Sundays of Grace

I hereby begin a weekly attempt to list a few of the things for which I am grateful. It is easy while in the doldrums of infertility to lose perspective and forget that there are many things going just fine and even better than fine, if I could only lift my head up long enough to notice. So herewith, I will make a conscious and consistent effort to remember the multiple people, places, and aspects of life for which I am grateful (adapted & from Love & Life in the Petri Dish)

(I started this on Sunday and forgot to finish! Off to a good start!)

1. I can't believe that the Science Project has reached the final phase - a phase that's left up to God & my body to complete. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that we've been given.

2. In spite of everything we've been through, Brett & I are closer than ever. Infertility can do a number on a couple, but somehow it's given us more to live for! We thrive on each other & we live to see the other's smile. 

3. Our families & friends have been so supportive & loving & generous with their time & prayers for so long & patiently continue while we go through a time of waiting & questions. What a blessing you all are to us! 


  1. I am thankful for you, our families (including Beaker 1 and Beaker 2), our friends, Lucy Puppy Dog, and Griz. And bacon.

  2. I am grateful to be a part of your #3.
    Love you,
