Saturday, June 20, 2009

Is this what it's like?

So far today, I've done nothing but sleep and eat. I guess that means that I'm pregnant. I'm feeling particularly "good" today - I've been totally and completely nauseous through the day, which I can assuage by eating something good for me and I've been so stinkin' tired! Oh, wow tired! Like, I slept a ton last night & then fell back asleep from about noon until 3:30. Good stuff!

We're getting pretty excited about our ultrasound on Friday. We got pretty lucky (read: BLESSED!) that Brett et al. won their trial in summary judgement on Friday so he doesn't have to go to Jacksonville all week next week! That means that he can go to the u/s with me on Friday. That's wonderful news! 

I'm so glad that I'm starting to feel something. I hope what I feel is pregnant and not just ookey. I'm luck to have a friend in the neighborhood who's also pregnant right now and therefore has a more vivid memory of early pregnancy. She's been making me feel a lot better about things about which I'm nervous.

Momma said that she's disappointed that I'm not writing more, so here you go! Sorry I've not been writing - I figure you don't want to hear about school, you want to hear about BABIES!

I think we'll know how many on Friday!!

Go Team Beaker!!!

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