Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tangled up in blue

I hope this is just part of the hormonal freakshow that I've become, but I feel terrible. I'm sad, I don't feel like anyone likes me anymore (except Brett, I guess). I feel like people are judging me and not liking what they see. I feel like crying constantly today. I'm kinda lonely feeling - no one can really relate to me right now. That's a yucky feeling. I'm pretty blue. I miss Lucy (whom I just dropped off at "camp"). Not even my impending trip to New Orleans is making it better. 

I need a hug. 

... but I'm hot, so nevermind. 


  1. {{{{{{ADELE}}}}}}}} Remember this "old fashioned" hug from the early internet day?

    I love you.

    Ans yes, you are probably just discovering the 1st REALLY low day in the hormone regimen! My mom during menopause said the highs and lows are terrible and incredible...and since you are in this menopausal are feeling it. You are loved, admired, and prayed for. You are not alone. God is your ultimate BUDDY and has not left your side.

    I love you....

  2. Oh - you sound like you need to try that 3 Min Retreat....and see the old ones....they are relaxing....

  3. Thanks, Becca. At least I know you're out there listening & caring. It's an awful feeling to burst into tears when your husband calls to ask if you want pizza for dinner. We knew this was going to suck. I just forgot that it was sucking for ME.
