Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hokey Pokey

The enormity of what's happening has finally caught up with me. It's kinda blowing my mind. I'm actually giving myself shots so that Brett & I can have a child. I'm preparing for pregnancy. I'm taking more medicines than anybody I know, except Cat, who used to take a LOT of medicines. I'm getting my body ready to produce a ton of eggs by willingly going into menopause first. Oh My Cow. What on earth am I doing? 

Kelli just came to walk me through my first shot. She was very patient with me and helped me get used to the routine that I need to learn before sticking myself. 
I keep telling myself that if a little kid with diabetes can do this, so can I. And guess what!? I did it! I gave myself my first shot! I was so nervous I was shaking. I did my nervous dance before getting the nerve to stick. But then, with the dexterity of a supernurse, I did it. Kellie (with an e) would be proud of me. I was brave. I didn't make the Beaker sound! 

Go Team Beaker!


  1. I'm proud of you - for overcoming your aprehension and remembering the big picture!

    GO BEAKER!!!!

  2. You did it! I can't imagine how scary this must be, but I sincerely hope that it will have a wonderful and quick outcome.
