Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's been some time since we've written anything because Progress in whatever shape takes time. Brett (Bless him) has been playing phone tag with the woman from the Genetics people in New Jersey. Then he called on Monday & it turned out that the woman with whom he's been playing tag has been called out unexpectedly & who knows for how long. He's been put in contact with someone else, and that seems more likely to get through. So, we're just waiting on that phone call. Unfortunately, Brett has to be the one calling because we're working this conference call around his schedule, which is tight. Once we have these answers, we can get started with Dr. Perloe & get all that action moving. 

I had a wonderful & renewing visit with Mom & Dad R. last weekend. They are an amazing Blessing for me & Brett. It's an incredible thing to have this whole other set of parents to love & nurture us & help us get through this seemingly endlessly ridiculous time. I spent a few days (though I wish it had been longer!) talking with them, laughing, playing & regenerating. When I left (too soon!) on Sunday, I felt positive & confident that we can do this. Thank you Mom & Dad R.!! Love you! We are blessed with a wonderfully supportive family network- all of you who've prayed with us, cried with us, laughed with us & held us up. 

We had a small kick in the stomach recently when people up & down the street have been showing up pregnant. We actually found out about three people in one day. Woof!! Sometimes when that happens (and it's such an overtly visible sign of something that we're struggling with), it seems impossible to stay positive. However, our sweet friends across the street had us over for dinner & fun for the evening & reminded me of the things we treasure - friendships, family, each other... It's so easy to forget our blessings when we're down, but I suppose that's when it's most important to count them. We're so blessed with a wonderful group of friends in the neighborhood who have been there for us through the poop. Brett & I are supremely happy for our neighbors who are going to have babies. Ultimately, the idea of Family is really important to us & there are many families here that are growing. It's a Gift for them! Our Miracle is coming. 

In all, we're very positive. We're excited about Chris & Beth coming for the weekend. We're STOKED about the Chili Cookoff. It's a lot to think about & be happy for. Brett & I are just going through life, drinking good coffee & listening to fabulous music. Only one way for it to get better, and that's coming soon enough. We love y'all very much & we'll post again once we know more from the genetics people & get going with The Science Project/Miracle Making. 

Gotta buy a lottery ticket if you want to win the lottery!
Adele & Brett

1 comment:

  1. Praying praying praying so hard!!! Let us know if you need ANYTHING.

    Always in our prayers and we love you.
