Monday, August 10, 2009

Thirteen Weeks!

We've made it thirteen weeks! Technically, I'm in the second trimester and that's Miraculous!
Tomorrow Momma & I are going to meet the perinatologist. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures of the Babes to share. Brett's going to be out of town, so it'd be nice to have something to share with him while he's away. 

This weekend we went crib hunting. Talk about a daunting task! There are a million styles out there by a million makers. Thank goodness for the Baby Bargains book! It has been invaluable as we researched the cribs that we found and liked. We have found three or four that we are mulling over. We went out to The Baby's Room in Norcross, where we were assisted by the owner who has a twin sister! Imagine our delight to meet another boy-girl twin set! He was most helpful and Brett & I came away feeling less overwhelmed and more informed about our preferences and what we want to do in the Nursery. We'll have to make a decision in the next few weeks in order to have everything here before I go on bed rest.

Speaking of which: we're not sure how strict the doctor's going to be about bed rest. There's a chance it could be a modified bed rest where I can be up a few minutes every hour or so. Whatever it is, it means totally adjusting our existence for the last two, maybe three, months of our pregnancy. It's all in the name of making sure that I don't go into labor before the 34th week. That's why we want everything done and ready by November.

Anyway, the Babes are theoretically the size of peaches - about 3 inches. We'll see tomorrow! I'll report back after we meet the latest member of Team Beaker!

Go Team Beaker!

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