Monday, August 31, 2009


I went back to OLA today. I went to talk with a teacher (one whom I consider to be a Master Teacher) about my project for my master's program. I have to say that walking in the door of that school is like walking back into the waiting arms of family. The Master Teacher sat with me and spent all kinds of time discussing what she does and how we might implement what my class requires and what we can do in the time I have before my semester is finished. I am so grateful to this teacher, whom I respect greatly, that she is willing to have me invade her space and learn from her and practice with her. I also ran into (well, hunted down) a bunch of friends who remain at school to catch a glimpse and grab a hug. It was honestly like seeing a loving family again. I miss school, and often wonder if I've made a tremendous mistake in leaving for now. I realize that come November, I'm done, so I obviously wouldn't be teaching this year, but it's hard to go back and see all the little kidlings who are so excited about learning. I do miss it. 

Anyway, I'm grateful that I could go back there to do this practicum. How fantastic that there is a place a person can go and be welcomed back like the Prodigal Son?! I'm grateful to the friends that I've kept there that are continuing to pray for Thing 1 (OH MY GOSH! THEY'RE PLAYING IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Thing 2. I'm grateful for the Love that is in that school. (I'm extremely grateful that Thing 1 & Thing 2 are in there playing while I'm writing this. Holy Cow.)

Okay, I'm avoiding writing my paper. I have to go write. I wanted to give a shout out to all those people (you know who you are!) that have showered me with so much love and so many prayers, even though I'm not there any more. I'm grateful for you. You're part of Team Beaker as much as anyone.


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