Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Stupid Meany

I had great hopes for school this semester. I had emailed with my advisor and she'd had great hopes for me for the semester. They've all been dashed. Here's the story: though I'm getting mixed signals from the OB and the Perinatologist, there will be a time that I'm on bed rest to keep these Babes safe. That's my greatest priority and I'm going to stick with whatever Dr. Smith ultimately tells me. After all, he's primary care for these Babes while they're steeping. 

I emailed the professor who's teaching the class that I was REALLY excited about taking. I'm a good student. I have a 4.15 GPA after last semester, a fact about which I'm very proud. I thought that my academic record, and the fact that I wasn't going to blindside her, and the fact that I'm not having just one but TWO babies might have softened her. NOPE. She said congratulations (which she closed with a period, not an "excited stop.") and proceeded to tell me that my grade would be based a large part on class participation and I wouldn't be able to do that during November and December. No trying to work with me. No help. No let me think about it. She replied to me within 20 minutes with a NO. Wow. Georgia State at its finest. What a Big Fat Meany.

So, for all of my excitement and enthusiasm about being in school and my hard work from last semester, I am rewarded with a Great Big Finger. Fabulous. Why, you ask, is this such a big deal? Well, I feel like I've been turned around at every attempt to get my Masters. I waited when I was at OLA because we didn't think I'd be there that long. Then I waited because I kept getting pregnant. Then when I thought "Stuff it, I'm going back to school," I got pregnant my 6th time. That was the one I lost in January, and as we all know, I lost it for a little while. Then, I went back and Kicked Butt this summer! A tough semester, but I learned a lot and enjoyed being in school again. Now, when I've got a good momentum going, I'm being turned away. Are there any other classes I can take? Nope. They're all full because school starts next week. 

I'm really bummed. I thought getting my Masters would be a great thing: I could go back to work sooner, Brett could get a break and do what he needs to do, career-wise, and everything would be great. I realize (and don't lecture me, please) that the Babes are the most important thing in the world. 

Please don't think that I of ALL PEOPLE don't know that carrying Babes to term and having a family is extremely important. After what we've been through, I dare someone to say that I don't have my priorities straight. I was just hoping to have another class under my belt while I waited for these guys to get here. 
