Isn't it wonderful to be able to laugh at ourselves? Love you Mom, Dad & K-Girl!
Dear Neighbor,
Feathers are flying on your roof because we have no place else to go. That being the case I wish to lodge a grievance concerning the demolition of a prominent tree at the Coburn property: In this depressed housing market, I must voice my outrage at the action taken by Mrs. AFC in the dismembering of my residence in order to improve said property owner's value. Although, it may have been beneficial to Mrs. Coburn, the whimsical contracting of demolition without permit to eradicate my residence of 12 years is dispicable and diabolical. The deliberate destruction of my family abode has cost my family not only monetary loss of a domicile that would take several years to replace, but has also left my family homeless. Legal action is my only recourse for the damages I have incurred from you and the anonymous chainsaw conspirator.
If you would care to right this wrong, I require payment of two bales of pine needles and one 10 gallon maple to be planted where Brett Coburn's rose garden now resides. Also, 2 lbs. of bird seed per month placed in plaxiglass feeder would cover psychological damages.
Mr. and Mrs. Tweety Bird and family

Our Response?
Sue me if you want. I have a great lawyer attorney.
Mrs. Brett Coburn (Adele)
P.S. There's a lovely Japanese Maple across the street with your name on it. Go reside there. And send K-Girl up here speedy-quick.
Laughter really IS the best medicine!
Go Team Beaker!
Also, great use of alliteration! ... despicable, diabolical, deliberate destruction of a domicile...