We're very excited because this weekend we're going to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. It's a bit like going home for me - we'll catch up with some friends, go to some great restaurants & most importantly, hear some fabulous music! It's coming at a perfect time. Brett really needs a vacation. And it will be nice to have a little time to enjoy each other before the ruckus starts.
We have my baseline appointment on May 5, the day after we get back from Jazz Fest. At that appointment, they will determine whether or not my hormone levels are low enough to get started on Part III. If not, we'll continue with the Lupron shots for a couple more days, checking along the way. If so, Part III includes more shots & different medicines. One that I'm pretty nervous about giving myself. Apparently it stings.
Brett is going to give me my shot tonight. It's his first time. He's going to do really great with it, once he's past being nervous. I was nervous my first time too. But now I'm an old pro & he will be too, before it's all said and done!
I'm feeling alright. I have been moody. Billy says that I'm moody anyway and if this is making is worse, he feels sorry for Brett. I would like to put it out there that I've been remarkably good around Brett so far. I've controlled my emotions very well, I think. I'm sick of the constant hot-fine-hot-fine that I seem experience only in the mornings or at night. I have also been known to start crying for stupid reasons - like the puppy in the Charmin commercial. I know it's for a good cause. But Golly Gee Whiz.
Gonna go stand in the Fridge.
Go Team Beaker!
Praying so hard for you!!! Glad to hear things are plugging aling, and you are holding up ok. I'm really proud of you, and always praying.
ReplyDeleteI love you! Maybe we can do a walk sometime? SM?
Did I post here yesterday? Did I dream I replied to this post? LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, in any case. I discovered this COOL website last night, and added a link/button to it on my blog. They are called 3 minute retreats. The music today was a bit bouncy for me, but if you listen to past retreats, there is GREAT music (Paul Tate is used a lot) and it is a time of centering and a bible verse. Any one, any denomination, anyone can be touched by this.
Check it out! The side bar on the right of the page has the links you need to catch up on past ones, add to your blog if you wanted, and the center of the page has today's link!
Take 3 minutes of breathing for yourself and trust and renew :) Love you!