The Stats:
They are measuring at 14 oz and 15 oz respectively (Baby A and Baby B).
Baby A is measuring at 21 weeks 1 day and Baby B is measuring at 21 weeks 5 days.
Given the length of my belly that they had to go up and down to get any kind of picture, they are measuring about 10.5 inches or so. We saw fingers and toes.
Heartbeats are perfect.
Baby A is resting his head way down low - no big deal. He's hanging out just boppin around. It explains why sitting for any amount of time is kinda painful for me.
They are both head down right now.
So, except for the whole still not sleeping well at night thing, everyone's doing well. Babies are happy and healthy. I'm healthy. Brett's healthy. We're just trucking along.
Pictures to follow. I'm going to go lie down for now.
Much love!