Neighbor-friends will stop me on the street and ask "How far along are you, Dele?" My answer almost always includes not only the weeks pregnant I have become, but how many days on top. I can't forget - "can't" because I neither want to nor am I able to forget - all that we've been through to get this far. Every single day that I am pregnant is a MIRACLE! So, today I am Eighteen Weeks and Four Days into this amazing Journey. Today I am halfway there! What an amazing thing to count among my blessings! (An aside: I worry that I use to many "excited stops" in my writing... Then I remember that this is a very exciting time for B & Me and I'm allowed to use whatever excited stops I want to use and even more!)
People also stop and ask me how I'm feeling. My answer is always "I'm Growing!" Okay, so it's not really a feeling, but that answer encompasses the root of all my feelings. I'm growing! Praise Him! It's my turn to grow! I'm growing! Oh, my goodness, my feet hurt whenever I put them on the ground! I'm growing! My skin stretches 'round my rounding belly - it itches! I'm growing! We have two little miracles coming to live with us - two people for whom we're changing our existence, reworking parts of our house, shifting our paradigms - and we haven't even met them yet 'cause they're still brewing! "I'm Growing!" encompasses my fears, my excitement, my joy, my trepidation, my hopes, and the thrill of becoming parents.
I was telling my mom the other day that while I'm really excited about creating and brewing and steeping these babes, I don't care for the physical price we pay - backaches, headaches, aching feet, swollen hands and toes, tremendous weight gain (particularly with twins). But when you appear pregnant, people are generally so stinkin' nice. I went to Publix and I had a basket full of milk, apples, mango, and a few other things I needed. I went to get in line - the shortest, which had only four people ahead of me. My dogs were barkin', but I wasn't going to complain - I'm used to aching feet! But the cashier grabbed my attention and told me to go over to Customer Service to check out. I went over to Customer Service and the nice guy there checked me out tout suite and sent me on my merry way. I thought that was super sweet. People care. People try.
So why have I been out of touch? Well, we're having some floors redone at our house in gleeful anticipation of the Babes. I had to go to my parents' house while they were working because, well, polyurethane just can't be good for developing lungs! B & I can go home tomorrow, hopefully, and we'll have lovely floors and be one step closer to being ready! It's definitely fun to get ready for these little people!
Go Team Beaker!
Who would have the nerve to reprimand you??!! Glad to hear that you doing well!