Friday, June 26, 2009

I Know You've Been Checking All Morning

Today is a day that will live in our hearts for an awfully long time. Brett and I are in absolute awe at the miracle that is facing us. We're having twins! Two of them! At one time! Praise God! We've hardly settled into our excitement and certainly haven't processed it all, but here we are, laughing and crying and praying and just generally throwing our hands up in pure, unadulterated JOY. 

Two babies! Wow! I wasn't planning on posting these, but Brett suggested that "Inquiring Minds want to know." Here are the pictures of Thing One and Thing Two. 

I realize they might not look like much to you, but to us, they look like the most beautiful, wonderful, perfect Miracles that God has ever bestowed on anyone. We are so thrilled to know that these babies are in here. Billy will be happy to know that the official due date is between February 14 - February 24, but February 18 is what they're forecasting. February 18 is his birthday. 

Brett and I got to see heartbeats and see both little beans. The beans measured at 6 weeks 5 days today, so they look like little potatoes with sprouts coming out of them and they're about the size of small blueberries. We're pretty blown away by the fact that our family has doubled in size today - we are now four instead of two! How exciting and how terrifying! Team Beaker is huge now!

Keep praying and keep those fingers crossed for us and for Team Beaker. We're not out of the woods yet, (until July 10 or so, there is a 30% chance that one will be reabsorbed) and we still need those positive vibes heading this way!

Go Team Beaker!!


  1. Awesome! More twins on Allaire. We are so happy for you!

  2. Congratulations, Adele! What wonderful news! :)

  3. Congrats, I know from experiance how crushing a loss can be! God Bless

  4. Why yes, Bennie and I HAVE been checking all morning. And we are absolutely thrilled for you!

  5. Congratulations on your new +2! I vote for 2/21 (my birthday) :)

  6. I've been checking ALL day!!! We are so excited. Lovely loved looking at the pictures of the babies!

    And keep those pics coming. They are the most precious miracle babies ever, so loved!!! Even as little sprouts!! GORGEOUS!!!

    We love you, so thrilled!

    Too cool! The Beaker Beans!
